Thursday, August 19, 2010

Flood victims

From a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel story about volunteer efforts to assist flood victims after FEMA withheld aid:


Anonymous Commenter: Rdog1

Anonymous Comment: "Yeah, come on Russ! Come on "Bozo"!! Both of you, on your knees before your Sheik!!! (Or else I'll sick Michelle on you!!)


Probably Bio: Rdog1 is most likely—stop me if you've heard this before—a white, middle-aged man who enjoys the work of Michael Crichton and collects L.A. Gear tennis shoes. He picked up the nickname "R-Dog" in high school, partly due to his propensity for barking like a dog, and partly because "La Motherfuckin' Nouvelle Vague" was already taken. A card carrying Democrat for most of his adult life, Rdog1 had a sudden change of political heart in 2006 when Neil Patrick Harris "came out." When pressed for further details, he rather cryptically explained that in a world where Doogie Howser is gay, "all bets are off." Rdog1's habit of unnecessarily signing his (anonymous!) comments is pretty adorable, and clearly the only redeeming thing about this turd. Just don't call him out on his petty racism or he'll totally "sick [sic] Michelle on you!!"

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