Friday, August 20, 2010

Piggly Wiggly

From a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel story about a Piggly Wiggly customer who called 911 after being called "fat and ugly":

Anonymous Commenter: Eseve

Anonymous Comment: "This is a story that's being published for what reason ? Drivel, waste of ink. The environmentalists should be upset for JS wasting petroleum and trees to print this."

Probable Bio: Eseve belongs to an incredibly common—and incredibly irritating—group of anonymous commenters whose only purpose in life is to question a story's newsworthiness. "How is this news?" "What's the POINT of this story?" and "Durrrrrrrrr..." are just a few of their biting zingers. When they're feeling especially feisty (and when they take a minute to pull their heads out of their asses), these odious creatures may even lob a "Go back to journalism school!" bomb. Bravo, anonymous commenters!

As for Eseve herself, she's most likely a 40-ish woman who doesn't look a day over 50-ish. A mother to two grown, clubfooted sons who still live at home, she spends her dark, lonely nights wondering why they didn't turn out like that nice Dudley Moore. In addition to leaving scathing, devastating comments on stories about state fairs and dog parades, Eseve moderates a biweekly Falcon Crest discussion group at her local Shakey's. (Program note: Robert Foxworth/Lorenzo Lamas slashfic will no longer be tolerated. We're looking at you, Joyce.)

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